“Middle Aged” vs “Senior Citizen”



First of all, nobody knows what constitutes middle-aged anymore than they do “old,” otherwise known and/or referred to as Senior Citizen.

Surveys indicate, however, that most people consider “old’ anyone over the age of 80. At this juncture, I agree. If I reach 80 and am still in great shape, I may disagree. It depends on how I feel, which is probably how most people gauge it.

As a Baby-Boomer myself [born smack in the middle of 1946 and 1964], I have no reliable frame of reference because I am a member of a tiny ecosystem of people who stayed in shape my entire life. The people I train around are all ages and it’s no walk in the friggin’ park.

Staying in shape requires a complete lifestyle adjustment for you civilians contemplating a jump start to a sedentary life. It may even mean divorcing your spouse once you realize that lethargy can be a form of cold-blooded murder in slow motion.

This sounds a bit histrionic, but doesn’t mean it isn’t true.



1] If you’re married, make sure your spouse is on board with your new fitness lifestyle. If not, you may have to divorce her, which is considered normal under these circumstances.

2] Understand that physical changes will catalyze psychological changes that may affect your relationship.

3] Get 8 hours of quality sleep.

4] Keep stress levels low.

5] Hydrate with water. Vodka does not count in spite of its high water content.

6] Moderation is a myth. Training is tough, so train tough.

7] Recovery takes twice as long as it used to take, so get a handle on this before you end up in the emergency room or psych’s couch.

8] Eat healthy and clean. You get used to it, believe me. Especially the way it makes you feel.

9] Maintain an active sex life. It will remind you that you’re still alive. This is also one reason many people say age is only a number.

10] Once you’re in shape, avoid any articles about “senior fitness” if you want to sidestep depression and/or suicide.

Hope this helps