SAN DIEGO, CA – JULY 23: Actor Harrison Ford and actress Calista Flockhart attend the Premiere of Universal Pictures “Cowboys & Aliens” during Comic-Con 2011 at San Diego Civic Theatre on July 23, 2011 in San Diego, California. (Photo by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images)
I’m going to say some things here that are going to seriously piss off a lot of people.
Not that you aren’t used to it by now, but I’m really going in on this one.
Seat belts please…
The article above from www.yourtango.com appeared earlier this year, but brings up certain realities that mirror my own world.
It was penned by a matchmaker who refuses to handle female clients because, as she puts it, “successful older men prefer to date younger women is because THEY CAN.”
“In this tough singles market, if a man pays top dollar for a matchmaker, he expects nothing less than a 29-year-old model.”
And since women are attracted to confidence and power, they embrace older men who are in possession of both…in abundance.
This is not to say that some younger men aren’t filthy rich.
But if a woman is also looking for security, get in line.
Odds are young men have youth and beauty and nothing more, which is why they don’t need matchmakers. They need bodyguards.
Around Houston, it’s commonplace to see drop-dead beautiful young women in the arms of wealthy older men.
In fact, it’s kind of weird not to, unless the couple have been together a long time and she still looks great courtesy of surgeons and cash.
Is any of this fair? In a certain sense, no.
But in the context of commodities in a world of demand and supply, it’s as fair as it gets.
One guy I know has a list of attributes all women he dates must be in possession of…or the “relationship” will last about an hour.
1] Straight white teeth and healthy gums.
2] Clear complexion.
3] Height/weight proportionate [like a fitness model].
4] Fit [like a fitness model].
5] Breasts and butt perky and proportionate [like a fitness model].
6] Stylish
7] Articulate
8] Sexy
9] Funny
10] Trustworthy
Now, as everyone knows, this woman does no exist. So what many men do is divvy up the attributes to see if whatever is missing can be improved upon.
For example, if a given candidate is small chested, breast augmentation is a slam dunk.
If she needs a little toning up, a personal trainer can get right on that.
If her teeth aren’t perfectly straight – or white – there’s a cosmetic dentist on every street corner.
But not everything can be fixed, so he throws the dice and hope she changes.
But most men of true means don’t have to hope for change because they can afford to purchase love like Gucci handbags.
It’s the guys who don’t have quite enough juice to keep the dice from bouncing of the walls every which way who sleep with one eye open.
Understand that the more money and power a man has, the more line items he can check.
As for these young women, did you know that most Americans haven’t been to Rome?
I know. It’s hard to believe.
The same applies to Aspen, Monaco, Paris and the Amalfi Coast.
Did you know that most young women do not own a Hermes handbag?
I’m serious!
So let’s say you’re a 29-year-old woman with looks to burn for the next 3 or 4 years, in a dead-end job, and dating a hot guy who’s sleeping with your best friend, but only when he’s on furlough from prison?
The guy is a derelict. He’s going nowhere but down, and you with him.
Enter a 55-year-old investment banker with class and charm and wit – and yes, money – and the derelict is a very distant memory.
These older men know their positions in the human food chain. They know what they can and cannot do, can and cannot have, and the women are no different.
In the absence of a prominent background and trust fund, the culturally average woman must leverage what she does have in order to acquire what she otherwise never will.
This does not mean that young women who choose to date older men are in it purely for the money. In fact, many fall deeply in love with their daddies.
This is the ideal scenario and it’s more common than you might imagine.
Remember the old expression: “Men fall in love with their eyes, women with their ears.”
So what happens to divorced women in their mid-40’s with kids and a heavy mortgage?
What rich, powerful, handsome 45-year old guy wants a 45-year-old woman with kids?
He wants a 25-year-old fitness model with no kids and a penchant for travel.
The matchmaker offers these three alternatives:
1] Find a matchmaker who accepts women as clients
2] Join hobby groups
3] Get out of the house
I’ll add three more:
1] Get in the best shape of your life.
2] Make damn sure your teeth are straight and white
3] Find the best plastic surgeon in town for the necessary maintenance.
As I have said a millions times before, wealthy older women can always hire houseboys.
In fact, I have noticed an extraordinary rise in older women/younger men couplings due to lackluster economic conditions over the past 8 years.