Holly Madison
Holly Madison Hand Print Ceremony at Planet Hollywood Restaurant at The Forum Shops at Caesars Palace Resort and Casino
Las Vegas, Nevada – 20.02.11
Mandatory Credit: Judy Eddy/WENN.com
Quite clearly, Holly Madison hails from generational wealth and pedigree, and therefore, has no financial motive to date Hugh Hefner.
[…excuse me, I’m choking on the previous sentence…]
Okay, I’ll restate it:
Quite clearly, not every woman wants to pull 60-hour work weeks at #Hooters and still live in a suburban apartment.
The press from hef’s perspective is below:
In my world, women like Holly Madison are everywhere.
You kinda get used to seeing them lurking on the perimeter like pilot fish; an annoyance to sharks, but in the human population, a necessary part of the cultural ecosystem.
Note: When something of value exists, there are usually takers willing to exploit opportunity [in this case] under the pretext of love or whatever.
Long story short, she became one of Hef’s girls after being noticed in one of her many “modeling” endeavors.
Then, after many visits, she became his “1 girl” and proceeded to move her things into his bedroom.
During the course of her stay she underwent rhinoplasty and breast augmentation, I assume to cement her position in the Hefner food chain.
She also had a Playboy bunny tattooed on her lower back, and insured her breasts for $1 million [backup, I assume].
In short, Ms. Madison’s lifestyle choices reveal what homicide detectives would refer to as a reliable profile.
Many older women I know have been through two or three marriages, usually to the same men everyone else marries two or three times.
They get a car [paid for], a severance [one-time payout usually tied to blackmail innuendo], and sometimes, a house [also paid for].
If the sum total of the nest egg isn’t enough to cover expenses, they get back in shape and make another run.
It’s no different than people who move to a different company for better stock options and a more comprehensive dental plan.
The next guy in line buys her a bigger diamond she can pawn down the road.
He might also buy her a more expensive car that she can sell back to a dealership for quick cash.
She can also leverage legal documents in her favor in the event of a divorce.
“In the event that you pick another girl, I get $1 million wire transferred into a blind checking account. Sign here:”
And, of course, for women who manage to nail the whale…children!
If she has children with him [a price many are willing to pay], she’s in the driver’s seat for life.
Understand this is business.
Think of these men as bad businessmen in the context of “love” if it makes you feel better.
Perhaps they should have stayed with the average suburban wife.
But they wanted more and paid the price for a game they were unprepared to win.
Fyi, blindsiding successful businessmen is child’s play in the hands of a seasoned predator.
CEO heads company with tens of thousands of employees and gets taken to the cleaners by high-school dropout with a street degree in survival.
“Part of me suspects that I’m a loser, and the other part of me thinks I’m God Almighty.”
― John Lennon
What gold-diggers bring to the table [and why affluent older men will often go to the ends of the earth to have them in their lives]:
1] Preternatural physiques.
For the typical 50-60-something man, this is not what his age appropriate wife looks like. This is what he wants his age-appropriate wife to look like. If for whatever reason [age included], she does not, he will often find himself unable to resist the intoxicating allure of his personal trainer.
2] Sexuality of the Devil’s Crossroads kind.
Again, I rarely hear about eroticism in the context of a 20-year marriage. And while I’m sure it exists to one degree or another, it doesn’t look like this. If it did, gold-diggers would be out of business.
3] Youth and Beauty.
This is what a man wants to see in the morning, not a reminder of his own mortality.
This is what staring into the abyss and having it stare right back looks like.
4] Self-Esteem.
It has been demonstrated time and time again that men who partner with beautiful young women experience a commensurate boost in self-esteem. Men who stay with their lifelong partners usually have a mistress in order to stay faithful to their marriages.
5] Relevance
Couch it any way you want, but the fact remains that an older man’s greatest fear is becoming physically irrelevant. Coupling with a younger woman is a shot of adrenalin for a man who’s used to being in the saddle.
I certainly do not pretend to speak for every successful older man, but what I can tell you, unequivocally, is that nothing charges the blood more than youth and beauty…no matter what the cost.
Just ask Madonna.