The hysterical woman in this video reaches far beyond its political framework.
Yes, it is a political rant, but much more importantly, it’s a statement about what it feels like to live as an obese and unattractive middle-age female in the throes of an existential meltdown over feelings of irrelevance and invisibility.
To some this is quite sad.
To people like me, it’s a chapter in my next book about the stratospheric value of youth and beauty.
As you watch, ask yourself why else anyone would ever acknowledge her?
In deference to what’s left of her sanity, one can certainly understand the motivation to assert her existence to the world, a place that otherwise sees right through her.
In this sense, her rant is an assertion of her existence.
I have to admit it’s been a while since I last witnessed such a bizarre manifestation of self-loathing.
Most of the time it’s just a bridge jump and an obscure Obituary notice someplace you can’t even Google.
Nonetheless, it was entertaining, and therefore, accomplished its end no matter how pitiful or embarrassing to her constituency.